FEZ Panda 2 - emulator error

Hi ,
When I run the code , I encounter problem like in image. Can anyone lead me about problem?
I check firmware versions and ping to fez is still working. One thing I can say red led on fez is always lightining. Thanks for your help.

Hi SHS and welcome to the forum.

You mention emulator in your post. What emulator? If you add the GHI hardware specific references, that won’t work on the built-in netmf emulator, so if that’s what you’re targeting in your app things will not work.

To check how you have the project set up, on the right-hand pane right click the project name and select Properties. Then select the bottom tab, which is something like “.Net Micro Framework” and make sure you’ve got the target set for “Transport:USB” and your Panda selected in “Device”.

Thanks for quick answer.My board is fez panda 2. But I am still confused.

Microsoft studio has recognized my board. There is no problem with that. I recompile my code and it crashes again.
Here is output result:
------ Deploy started: Project: FEZ Panda II Application1, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
------ Deploy started: Project: FEZ Panda II Application1, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
An error has occurred: please check your hardware.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source: Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug
Stack :
at Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.VsProjectFlavorCfg.Deploy() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\CorDebug\VsProjectFlavorCfg.cs:line 893
at Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.VsProjectFlavorCfg.<Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsDeployableProjectCfg.StartDeploy>b__0() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\CorDebug\VsProjectFlavorCfg.cs:line 634
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

@ shs - Are you by chance connecting your device to a powered or unpowered hub? If so, you could try connecting it directly to an available USB port on your computer.

SHS, but you didn’t answer the question. Do you have the netmf targeting the USB connection not the emulator?

First, can you confirm what SDK components you installed? And then have you verified that you have the correct firmware version on your Panda, using MFDeploy and checking “device capabilities”?

Can you step through the creation of a new project. Select “micro framework” as your project type in the left hand (templates) pane. Then select the Fez Panda II in the centre pane - if at any point you are offered a choice between a 4.1 and 4.2 project, make sure you select 4.1. Then once the project is created, in the solution explorer pane, right click your app, select Properties, and the properties pane opens. The bottom tab is .Net Micro Framework, select it, and make sure the transport is set to USB and the device is your Panda II. Close that tab, and hit f5 to deploy. You should hear a USB disconnect/reconnect sound as your device is rebooted, and then tell us what happens.