FEZ Hydra updater 1.1.3 detected more than one device or

Hydra board: Rev 1.2 Firmware 4.2.8

I wanted to do a quick test on Hydra with Onewire with the Feb.1st 2013 update… Unfortunately “quick” was a wrong assumption :frowning:

Following the instructions to reset the hydra results in an error dialog … The only way to stop is to select cancel… And no, there’s is only one hydra connected to my computer…

Any idea someone… I removed all GHI software, Removed all USB drivers using USBdeview and resinstalled all GHI software new.

Solved this issue by:

  1. de-installing all GHI software
  2. removing all USB drivers using USBdeview.exe
  3. manually deleted all folders C:\Program files\GHI Electronics
  4. Reboot system
  5. Install GHI SDK 4.2.8

Done… :slight_smile:

Great! Now you can unmark this thread as a question.

@ Architect - Thanks ! Done