FEZ Cobra II Extender

Please tell me a source to purchase the bridge header to connect the FEZ Cobra II to the FEZ Cobra II Extender board . I count 41 solder connections. So the two boards lay flat next to each other, the pins must bend 90 degrees.

There isn’t likely to be a standard off the shelf connector but Samtec offer custom connectors and if you have a company address you can ship to, you could try them for a sample or 2 :slight_smile:

This is the socket. Use the design & sample button to create what you need. Use single row and right angle.

This is the pin header.

Or these if you need longer pins

You could just buy male and female right angle 0.1" headers of whatever size you can get and “stack” them.

Here is the source I use for Right Angle Single Row Headers:


Prices and shipping from Australia to USA is inexpensive and fast.

I can remember the Extender for the Cobra I had a 90° pin header included.
May be GHI can share if and where these are available.

If you’re in the US, Adafruit has them in a 36 pin variety…

Break-away 0.1 2x36-pin strip right-angle male header (5 pack) : ID 1541 : $5.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits (5 pack, male)
0.1 2x36-pin Strip Right-Angle Socket (Female) Header (5 pack) : ID 1543 : $7.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits (5 pack, female)

This time around I ended up buying 40 pin right angle headers on Ebay. They sell in lots of 10, but 40 pins matches without any cutting.

Your link is for 2 row header, I think only one row is needed

I purchased Cobra II extender board connectors here:

Part: SSW-141-02-T-S-RA
Part: TSW-141-08-T-S-RA

NEW ALBANY IN 47150-7251
Tel.: (800) 726-8329 Fax: (812) 948-5047
Toll Free: 1-800-SAMTEC-9 (USA & Canada)
Internet: www.samtec.com Email: info@ samtec.com

I was wrong. The board has 41 pins, not 40.

I bought two pieces of 40 pins, I have broken the first at 21 and second at 20 and I joined them.