FEZ Cerberus and usb client


These are my first steps in the hardware world and i bought a FEZ Cerberus without understanding the different API differences between open source and premium.
One of my goal by purchasing this mainboard was to emulate a keyboard just like in this tutorial :
GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software
and to add a SD Card to mimic this device :
but providing it a complete C# API.

Well, what was my disillusion when i found that i was running a 4.2 framework mainboard with the open source API, and that the usbclient namespace was not yet implemented : (after updating my mainboard of course, i was very proud of btw!)

I fired up Reflector and decompiled the premium API, and implemented it on my 4.2 project. Without success!

Then i understood that my debugging interface was USB and i had to change it to SERIAL, unfortunately i have no module to do that.

Browsing through the store i found the Serial-USB Module : http://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/287, but not sure if it is enough to achieve my goal.

Since i’m ill-at-ease with hardware and with Micro Framework in general, could any one advise me ?

Should i buy a new mainboard supporting the GHI’s Premium Library (if yes what should i use for my purpose) or is it feasible with the FEZ Cerberus, and in that case am i on the right path ?

Thank you for reading me,

Hi there Pixou, Welcome to the forums

So the simplest answer to your question is that yes, you currently need a Premium device to have that functionality, but since this is open source, you can dig in and contribute this. I’m somewhat saying that in jest as it’s said often but really there hasn’t been much (any?) contribution so GHI have this on their list. I don’t know if the current beta has any movement in this area; what firmware version did you install?

@ Brett - I’ve installed the latest available firmware for my cerberus but still the API is incomplete.

Since your post i purchased a FEZ Panda II and a FTDI Friend FTDI Friend + extras [v1.0] : ID 284 : $14.75 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits to be able to debug on the serial interface through usb, i found this information on an another post on the forum.

Thank you for you reply btw you decided me at once when reading [quote] you currently need a Premium device to have that functionality[/quote] because i’m too excited to wait :slight_smile: