Expand number of analog inputs


I’m looking for a way to have more analog inputs on the EMX. Is this possible? If so, how?


add an SPI or I2C based ADC

Thanks!! Could you provide some example devices that work well?

There’s about as many ADCs as there are resistors in the world :slight_smile: Grab someone’s parametric search website, put in what parameters you’d like, and start there. Come back when you’ve chosen a few and someone may have ideas about those individual ones :slight_smile:

digikey.com is always a good resource. You probably want something in a through hole package, somewhere around 10-12bit.

I Looked through the catalog and found The Microchip MCP3208-BI/P [url]Smart | Connected | Secure | Microchip Technology. Are there any examples available on how to communicatie with this via spi?


There’s a C# class and solution for this ADC over on the NetDuino.com forums. Search for 12-Bit ADC Measurement using MCP320X chips and SPI.

If the bit resolution is enough on the FEZ and you do not need speed, you can add a MUX

Eg. http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9056

Then you get 16 channels, cheap an easy.