ESP8266 Client Problems POSTing to Azure Web API 2.0 service

You can find the ESP8266-specific source code here : Molecules/src/IngenuityMicro.Hardware.Neon at master · MoleculeDotNet/Molecules · GitHub

The full project is here : GitHub - MoleculeDotNet/Molecules: Molecule.Net Support Software

If you have an Oxygen and Neon (and really, you should), then you should use the code that is on Nuget (Search for IngenuityMicro with ‘Prerelease’ enabled and install the Neon package). This will install the binaries into your VS project and give you full symbol and source access during debugging.

If you have anything other than an Oxygen and Neon setup, then 99.99% of the code is good for you too, but you will have to compile from source because there is a built-in assumption in the Neon code that it can control RF power on a specific pin. I will be generalizing that at some point, but right now I am focused on getting the O+Ne done right, But if you are itching to get started with ESP8266, this is a reasonable starting point…

This is REALLY early code - I expect to make significant improvements and expansions to it before moving it out of nuget Prerelease and calling it v1.0, but I offer it here and now as example-fodder.



@ mcalsyn - This is just perfect timing … I’m expected Neon very soon … thank you for sharing

I will have an Azure sample available tomorrow, which might interest you. Posting data to a storage table.


Thanks for the post. I’ve been running some code from @ Justin and @ Jay Jay, using Simple Serial too to post JSON formatted data to an Azure hosted Web API 2…0 site for a couple of weeks. At present it’s running at about 98.5% success with regards to not dropping requests.

You can take a look here at the output:

It’s using the SIlicon Labs Temp/Humi code I wrote a couple of weeks ago and full EF6 backed by Azure SQL. Pretty pleased with how it’s all come together. I just need to get it to 100% of records posted. Maybe your code can help me.

If anyone’s interested in seeing the code let me know. If I get the time I’ll hopefully do a CodeShare for the WebAPI as well as the NETMF.

I’ve just sent a custom board to DFR for manufacturing that has the ESP-03, the SI7020 as well as a couple of other GPIO and a 3A relay on board so I can deploy a few around and be able to monitor remote temps as well as control remote devices via WiFi and with Azure backed data storage and web control.

I post more about the hardware once I have them back and they’re working…


@ mcalsyn - the code looks very interesting. I’ve had a skim and can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t got around to adding any of @ Justin’s molecules to my portfolio of hardware devices and enjoy growing my own. I hope to be able to use you code in any case. I’ll keep you posted.

There are a couple molecule-isms in the code (for instance, an assumption about where the reset pin is mapped and a dependency on an Oxygen lib). Over the coming few days (this weekend?) I will factor those out so that the code is more reusable.