Eblock Thermometers FEZ Panda II


I´m new at this, and I need your help.
I´m using Fez Panda II board with thermometers and I have some doubts:

  • I have read that the temperature scale in Celsius for that sensor is [-22;56], but in other site is [-20,54], ¿which one I choose?
  • Other doubt is that I´m using it to measure the corporal temperature, but this value is not correct, it´s lower than the correct one. For example, with a typical digital termometer I have 36, and with the sensor I have 30. ¿Which is the problem?

Thank you very much, and I´m sorry about my English :slight_smile:

Did you put :

thermometer.SetLinearScale(-22, 56);

in your code ?

thermometer.SetLinearScale(-20, 54);

I just can’t find my eBlock to check by myself :frowning:

Those sensors are analog temperature sensors. You need to play a bit with the range until you are satisfied.

I don’ t use SetLinearScale because it returns a integer value, and I want a double value.
Like the sensor is analog (10 bits) I know that the function read() return a value between [0,1023] and this value is multiplied by ((56+22)/1024) - 22 . So I get a double value.
But the problem is the precission of measure, ¿can be used the thermometer to measure corporal temperature?

thank you again.

If you want precise calibrated temperature measurements, you’re better of with a digital temperature sensor like Maxim’s DS18B20 (up to 12 bit precision)

I think a don’ t need more precision, because I only need one decimal.¿ I really need it?
Could I calibrate it only adding a value ?

There’s a big difference between precision and accuracy. 12 bits is lots of precision, but says nothing about the accuracy. Are you looking for high accuracy or high precision?