I’m trying to use Atmel AT45DB161D Dataflash (bare chip) with FEZ Domino.
Driver for Flash Shield [url]http://www.tinyclr.com/downloads/Component/FEZ_Shields_Flash.cs[/url] worked fine. However, I found page write method write SRAM buffer only, but not writing buffer to the flash memory cell.
To write buffer to memory cell, It is necessary to send additional command.
So, I updated Flash Shield driver as the following.
- Add “Buffer to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase” operation to WritePage method
- Modify format to specify page address bytes
- Use Continuous Array Read (Low Frequency) instead of Buffer 1 Read for ReadPage method
Updated driver code:
using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware;
namespace GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ
public static partial class FEZ_Shields
public static class FlashShield
const byte Status_Register_Read = 0xD7;
const byte Continuous_Array_Read = 0x03; // Continuous Array Read (Low Frequency). Changed from Legacy command (0xE8)
const byte Buffer_1_Read = 0xD1; // Buffer 1 Read (Low Frequency)
const byte Buffer_1_Write = 0x84; // Buffer 1 Write
const byte DB_BUF1_PAGE_ERASE_PGM = 0x83; // Buffer to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase
const byte AT45DB161D_density = 0x2C;
static private uint pageSize = 0;
static private SPI Spi = null;
static public void Initialize()
SPI.Configuration SPICfig = new SPI.Configuration((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.Di10,
false, 0, 0, false, true, 16000, SPI.SPI_module.SPI1);
Spi = new SPI(SPICfig);
byte status = ReadStatusRegister();
if ((status & 0x3C) != AT45DB161D_density)
throw new Exception("Not Supported Device or DataFlash");
if ((status & 0x01) == 0x01)
pageSize = 512;
pageSize = 528;
static public uint PageSize
return pageSize;
static private void SendCommandAndData(byte[] command, byte[] data)
if (command != null && data != null)
byte[] temp = new byte[command.Length + data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < command.Length; i++)
temp[i] = command[i];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
temp[i + command.Length] = data[i];
Spi.WriteRead(temp, temp);
for (int i = 0; i < command.Length; i++)
command[i] = temp[i];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
data[i] = temp[i + command.Length];
if (command != null)
Spi.WriteRead(command, command);
if (data != null)
Spi.WriteRead(data, data);
static private byte ReadStatusRegister()
byte[] cmd = new byte[2] { Status_Register_Read, 0 };
SendCommandAndData(cmd, null);
return cmd[1];
static public void ReadPage(uint PageNumber, byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.Length < PageSize)
throw new Exception("Buffer Size is smaller than Page Size");
byte[] cmd = new byte[4];
cmd[0] = Continuous_Array_Read;
* 3 address bytes consist of :
* - 2 don't care bits
* - 12 page address bits (PA11 - PA0) that specify the page in
* the main memory to be written
* - 10 buffer address bits (BA9 - BA0) --> Allways set to 0
cmd[1] = (byte)(PageNumber >> 6);
cmd[2] = (byte)(PageNumber << 2);
cmd[3] = 0;
SendCommandAndData(cmd, buffer);
for (int timeout = 0; timeout < 100; timeout++)
if ((ReadStatusRegister() & 0x80) > 0)
throw new Exception("Error reading data");
static public void WritePage(uint PageNumber, byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.Length < PageSize)
throw new Exception("Buffer Size is smaller than Page Size");
byte[] cmd = new byte[4];
// Write data to buffer 1
cmd[0] = Buffer_1_Write;
* 3 address bytes consist of :
* - 14 don't care bits
* - 10 buffer address bits (BA9 - BA0) --> Allways set to 0
cmd[1] = 0;
cmd[2] = 0;
cmd[3] = 0;
SendCommandAndData(cmd, buffer);
* 3 address bytes consist of :
* - 2 don't care bits
* - 12 page address bits (PA11 - PA0) that specify the page in
* the main memory to be written
* - 10 don't care bits
cmd[1] = (byte)(PageNumber >> 6);
cmd[2] = (byte)(PageNumber << 2);
cmd[3] = 0;
SendCommandAndData(cmd, null);
for (int timeout = 0; timeout < 100; timeout++)
if ((ReadStatusRegister() & 0x80) > 0)
throw new Exception("Error writeing data");