Driver - FEZ Touch Driver Ver 2.3

And here is the result. All chars in one font.

Very good !!
You should publish your results to the Code site.

If you could figure a way to speed it up that would be even better :smiley:

I’ll publish it, but first I’ll try to speed up outputting, it’s really slow :slight_smile:
Or maybe I’ll send it to you and you will publish it. At last it’s your project, I make only few changes.

Can someone delete my 2 last comments? I had getaway errors and didn’t saw that they were published.

what is the format of the image read by the driver? I need to create images for my project

@ omartinez
This is a link to the original project on the Code share.

It includes an image conversion utility.


another question :

how i change the background color from black to (for example) blue?

You would need to modify this function:

public void ClearScreen()
   this.FillRectangle(0, 0, this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight, EZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Black);

You should modify it to pass in a color parameter like this:

public void ClearScreen(FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color backgroundColor)
   this.FillRectangle(0, 0, this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight, backgroundColor);

Hello Jasdev!
How to make outputting to display faster?
I can’t understand why it’s so slow.

Hi Andriy,

The code is slow because I did not optimise it for speed :-[

Here is a link to a faster version by Jeff, but his version does not support proportional fonts:
