So my Domino arrived yesterday, and I loaded my code that I had been working on with the simulator, thought I would show it off a little - first a little explanation on what it does.
I build fireworks - very large fireworks: Friday Night Shells.wmv - YouTube (some examples)… Someone had come up with a computer CNC controlled shell wrapping machine, and being a computer programmer by day, and a serious geek, I duplicated his work (this was 2 years ago)… I wanted to do away with the need to have a laptop with me in the desert, so I decided to make my machine controlled by a Domino.
So my parts list looks something like this:
FEZ Domino
SD4DEU-USB stepper controller from via FTDI serial
3 - SA6432 LCD Buttons for control ( )
The stepping code worked immediately after loading it on the Domino, as I had perfected it in the emulator, the LCD buttons were a little more complex, and took me till 3am this morning to get working.
They are SPI, so a MUX was needed for 3.
Writing to the LCD, you first send your starting address, then pump in data which increments the address - issue is, programmatic address row 0, is physical row 15, programmatic address row 16, is physical row 0. To top it off, with no BitMap avail on the domino, I had to create my bitmap data in the emulator, offset it by the stupid 16 row offset, convert it to 4-bit data as required by the LCD, and pump it over SPI… Works great, images attached (colors look washed out in photos, but are nice in person)
I also have a video of the Domino driving the shell paster (before I had done the LCD work) -
I’ll share more when I get the file system working to read my shell files, but thought I would share my work.