Does DEBUG interfere with RLP in anyway?

I think I found the real problem.
I got back to the simple led blinker using tasks RLP example but left my managed code and it now hangs after the invoke here:

private const int bufferSize = 4 * 1024; //4 KB buffer
private static LargeBuffer buffer;


buffer = new LargeBuffer(bufferSize); //guilty line

Why? The buffer is not used anywhere yet.

Later edit:

Here is a video demonstrating what I mean
[url]- YouTube

Please provide us with minimal complete example showing the issue.

I replaced LargeBuffer with byte[] and now all works fine. No more hanging, not even in debug. I know that there could be issues with memory moving but for now it’s ok.

Still, can’t get more than @ 890 kbps to the VS1053 from the SD card. Is USB storage faster? Or what more tweaks/tricks can I use to get at least 1600 kbps?
Streaming 1600kbps was no problem using an xmega chip at 32 MHz (doing the SD via SPI).