Do you want to translate the free ebook?

We would love to see the free ebook in your native language. We have posted the book original English file and instructions on this page
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Thanks to Christophe Gerbier, we already have a French translation.

So, will you help this community and make a translation to your language? You will be everyones hero if you do so :smiley:

101 pages already translated to portuguese :wink:


Nice work, Miguel ! You’re almost done.

Now 121 pages


Are you Christophe Gerbier ?

Yes I am.


I’m happy you feel cool, but may I ask why ? :slight_smile:

Your french text help me to resolve some english translation questions.

I translated all the text yesterday. Now i am translating the COMMENTS in the source code.


Glad to help you :wink:

Gus, Christopher

The portuguese version is ready!

Help me to put it for download!


Simply send the .odt to Gus via email. He will put it online.

Add it to the wiki website and then we can move it here


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Here the Portuguese version. 1.02

The name is not same as other versions and found couple formatting errors. I updated it and posted back to wiki
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Thanks. I added 500 experience points to your profile too :slight_smile:

Dear Bec a Fuel, will you update the French version please?

I fixed the name.

And about the format, i will resolve this late. I was using the PORTABLE OPENOFFICE, because i was translating in a different PC each day :slight_smile:

500 points :slight_smile:


PS: i did sell the first .NETUINO today :), thanks GUS :slight_smile:

I’m currently doing it :wink:

I will (try to) finish it before Saturday. After that, I’m on vacation during two weeks and when I come back I will effectively move all the computers hardware and telephone system to the new factory location. So please don’t blame me if I can’t help for translations or anything else during this (hard) period ???

I have added new Watchdog section and now adding Low power section so please wait till I am done before you make all changes.

I hope this release is the final version for this book since it has everything! If we need more info then I will start a second book that is more advanced but will probably not add more to this book.