DisplayN18 and 2014 R5

I have a problem where the DisplayN18 will show a duplicate of graphics when using simple graphics:

displayN18.SimpleGraphics.BackgroundColor = GT.Color.Green;
displayN18.SimpleGraphics.DisplayText("TEST", Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.arial48), GT.Color.Yellow, 10, 10);
displayN18.SimpleGraphics.DisplayText("TEST", Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.arial48), GT.Color.Yellow, 10, 135);

The text is duplicated on the x-axis. And the color is not displayed. Tested the display with another cobra where i use an older framework, works greate there.

I found a few other threads with N18 problems, but none with this behaviour. Anyone else got this problem?


@ John. It’s a known bug. https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=17180 has a temporary fix. I found that Nina font gives the bug that you have where as Small font is really, really small.

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@ Sprigo - Ok, thanks!

I tested the workaround and the fonts seem ok after running convert. Background color still black. I guess it’s just to wait for the next relase.