Display T35 for Cobra board

I use Cobra, I want to show something in the display T35,. I have read the tutorial. Link: http://wiki.tinyclr.com/index.php?title=Displays

but it seems that the tutorial doesn’t pass my Cobra.

I have also a FEZ spider, I can show something in the T35, and the T35 will be refreshed every 10ms in a timing. the method is built in the “Gadgeteer project”. the code is as follow:

        GT.Timer Timer1 = new GT.Timer(10);//Display

        void ProgramStarted()
            Timer1.Tick += new GT.Timer.TickEventHandler(Timer1_Tick);//Display

             int value = randomfunction(); 

             void Timer1_Tick(GT.Timer timer)//LCD Timer is 10ms
                    display.SimpleGraphics.DisplayText("a random value is : "  + value.Tostring()],  Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.NinaB), GT.Color.Blue, 0,    0);



Can you help me, how can I do the same “dislay show” in my Cobra project?

A spider and a cobra are both an EMX at heart. If you know your connections from Cobra to T35 are correct, then there should be no code differences.