Discontinued GHI GT SDK needs an update!

@ Gus - is that a trend to moving away from Gadgeteer?

I have to say that I managed with a few changes and a rebuild of the SDK source suceeded to get the extender working really fineā€¦

I might experienec some problems with the next SDK, time will tellā€¦

You interested in the SDK, pm me.

I am saying there is always a way. You can still build the gadgeteer drivers. It is open source. The extender was a minimal accessory added for convenience, not a core product.

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Sure please add to the task tracker. If enough votes, we can add back.

I guess what we are trying to say here is that - yes, there is always another ([em]harder[/em]) way, but why do you force us to go the harder way? Personally, I like NETMF/Gadgeteer because of its relative simplicity. If I wanted to go the hard way (start digging into source codes, start compiling them etc.), I would choose something else.

With this attitude we can expect to lose support for any existing module any single day (and of course without a prior notice). And if thatā€™s the case, I guess this risk will be too high for most of Gadgeteer users.

I did it. Please vote, show that you care. You never know, next day it could be your module or mainboard that will no longer be supported.

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@ andre.m - I guess up to 15% its price.

I pay extra (premium) to GHI because I want to get a working product that is easy to use and that has a good support. If I want to go the cheap way, I donā€™t pay GHI and do everything myself (which effectively leads to many many times bigger expenses).

Of course Gadgeteer modules are more expensive. But thatā€™s not a problem. There are many examples where expensive alternatives coexists without being threatened by cheaper substitutes. You know what you are paying for when you buy GHI products. And I am more than happy to pay extra.

Btw, when you calculate the cost, for example, to manufacture G400-S, you clearly see that you are paying a huge extra for GHI. Personally, I am fine with that as long as get what I am looking for.

@ iamin - our markup is actually small and it does not take our software info consideration! Anyway, we are here to help for free as long as the benefit is spread to many users.

@ Gus - I have the same problem (just voted for you to add it to the next release). But until thenā€¦ I need to connect the Tunes module, wich is still in the catalog. But at this point it can not be used with the cobra eco!
Got any example on how to connect using NETMF?


I am getting servere despserate

I am trying to use XBEE on FEZ BEE.

All references are indicating to use system.io.ports.serialport class with com1.

Now I am using NTFM 4.3 and I cannot find the serielport class

I turned all links to manuals, api refernces around, with the same result I donā€™t have that class in the framework.

any ideas

@ papezr - it is best to start new topics with what you need if not related to subject.

If you go to the support page and click on documentation then you will find this document https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs/15/uart-serial