I will be connecting my FEZ Cobra to a RFID Reader.
The Reader requires only three pins for serial communication: RX, TX and GND. And hardware handshaking is not needed.
Can I directly connect the RX and TX pin of my reader to FEZ Cobra. And if so, to what pins?
Thank you!
July 23, 2012, 10:57am
If the RFID reader is NOT RS-232 then you should be able to directly connect to the Cobra.
The best source for information about pins on the Cobra is its brochure. http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/FEZ/Cobra/Broch_FEZ_Cobra.pdf .
You should be connecting the TX pin on the reader to the RX pin on the Cobra, and the TX pin on the Cobra to the RX pin on the reader. Plus ground to ground.
What do you mean by NOT a RS-232?
Thank you.
July 23, 2012, 11:18am
There are two types of serial connections. RS-232 and digital. The Cobra has digital serial pins.
If you post a URL to your RFID reader, I can quickly determine what kind of a connection it supports.
Most likely it is digital, but let’s be sure.
Oh! Thank you so much!
Here is the link: You are being redirected...
You can directly connect the RFID reader to your Cobra:
July 23, 2012, 11:25am
I was able to find a datasheet for the M6E reader. For serial the specifications are “UART with 3.3/5V logic levels; from 9600
to 921,600 bps”. This is exactly what the Cobra expects. You should be good to go!
Eric… go away…
No No, I’m here to stay
July 23, 2012, 11:34am
@ EriSan500 (Eric) -
have you ever heard the expression “Dirty Old Man”?
July 23, 2012, 11:40am
Nope, tell me about it
I don’t know what it means… I thought you might.
Mike, what about the super-model that worships you?
July 23, 2012, 11:42am
She is getting older each day!
Last question
I can’t seem to find any tutorial on how to make an LED blink? And how it’s connected to the FEZ.
I am really new with this stuff. Thank you for answering my questions.
In the UEXT Connectors, do I have to connect 3.3V and GND to a 3.3V source and GND. Or connecting TX and RX is enough?
July 25, 2012, 6:37am
ground and power connections are required.
Oh no!
Can I just short the 3.3Vout pin from the I/Os to the 3.3V in UEXT?