Different displays

Ive been looking around for “other sized” displays

Has the team at GHI head quarters bee toying with any other screens???

I’m using the 4.3" and it is adequate for my needs but, a 5.7" or 6.4" would be good

The 7" is a tad large and the 4.3" a tad small.

Again this is for the crane industry and a lot of drivers (over the age of 40) cant see the 4.3"

[quote]Again this is for the crane industry and a lot of drivers (over the age of 40) cant see the 4.3"

Hey! I resemble that remark! It is the only real PITA I have found after hitting my forties. I even had to get safety glasses with magnifiers built in so I could see stuff close up in the shop.

Can you use a larger font size on the smaller display? Use icons for some items to reduce the amount of test needed etc?

You can use about any display you like. We only give you few options to get you started.