Did you win but didn't receive? Let me know!

If you won a FEZ Panda or Rhino but you didn’t receive it then can you remind mme please? I lost track :frowning:
…dang, all these free gifts going out …too many :wink:

Panda to me!

Email on its way - but I’m not in a hurry!

Both. Was gonna place a order at same time with new display for rhino.

we should have the displays for rhino today…hope!

I did send the correct answer for Panda but have no idea if I won one or not :slight_smile:

Yes you did, we had 3 winners, 2 through email and one on forum

Me too.

Wait no more…see website

Gus, could you make a video please? I would like to “see it in action” :stuck_out_tongue:


Foekie, did you place the order you were waiting for? If so, did you put notes in your order about this post?

The guys that handle orders do not monitor the forum regularly.

No I did not order it yet.
I am not sure yet. I would like to participate in the new contest, but when will this be started?
If I would win, I could place a bigger order, but this means I would have to wait for rhino for a month :o

Will the prices be money or credit for hardware?

The bump was for my question before:

Which refers to the new display. (UART)

Oh I see now. We have few FEZ Rhinos in stock. We will make this visible on website soon

I hope so! Very curious. I would love to play with rhino, but I guess I will have to wait a bit :wink:

Man…is my mini obsoleted yet? Poor me.

none of the FEZes is obsolete or planed to be obsolete. Each one has its own pluses and minuses…we give you options so you can select the one that fits your application best.

and all FEZ are AWESOME! from mini to cobra! 8)

in my opinion, FEZ-Mini is the most awsome one…it is the only one I own so far ;D

I see some boards from other manufactures seem to have some types maminate layer that covers the board’s vein so keeps it insulated from touching. Thought that is nice, does any of the FEZ line have that?


I own them all so i can say for sure that is the case. Each one has its things it does well and form factors it fits into.


I don’t think the board is laminated or covered in any way. That said, the traces are obviously not exposed except for where they need to be.