Days like this

I had to reformat my main PC over the weekend and it’s still going on.

To top it off I have 2 Hydras, 2 power modules, a second work machine that’s never had anything on it other than VS and Office and I can’t get either device to be recognized by either machine with either power module.

No, I’m not bashing GHI, or the Hydras. I love 'em both. Sometimes, you just got to vent. I’ve a very promising 3D engine from Wouter sitting here that I haven’t gotten to see run once since he delivered it.


I’m going to grab a few adult beverages. Any suggestions on getting my stupid Win7 desktop or laptop or recognize my beloved Hydras? I don’t even get the device connected sound. Though the desktop did BSOD when I tried “Add a device”.

I learned this lesson before, if nothing works or things are not making sense then it is me too tired, not the machine. I step back to do something else then come back and start from ZERO. In most cases it just works.

Thanks Gus. :slight_smile:

It actually turns out I broke the DP module. It had fallen from my desk with cable attached and ripped off the USB connector. I soldered it back on and that’s enough for it to supply power but I guess I’m not getting some pins properly connected because the actual USB com isn’t working.

SP worked just fine second time, no changes at all. Weird but I’m fine with that. :slight_smile:

Measure the USB signals with continuity meter between the socket and USB cable.

I told you it is you too tired, not the machine :slight_smile:

A nice tall glass of red wine later and I have Wouter’s AMAZING 3D engine running!

This is spectacular stuff!!!

Where is the video?!

Yep. I want to see a 3D wine glass :wink:


Maybe throw that DP module in the oven and reflow it. Certainly doesn’t sound like it could hurt if you don’t get it so hot that you melt the socket.

Hmm… my laptop crashed hard yesterday too. With Mobile Armor on it I have about 0% chance of recovering any of the data. Was there some strong alien EMP field over the US this weekend?

Only just got it running here so there’s nothing really too different appearance wise yet, though Wouter did make several enhancements under the hood. Give me a few days and I should have something.

Deal! :wink: