Custom touch panel driver for FEZ Cobra


In a project I want to use a SPI controlled multi-touch panel instead of a 4-wire resistive single-touch panel.

According to the .NET Micro Framework 4.2 SDK Reference, multi-touch is supported by the TouchInput Structure (see: TouchInput.SourceID Field | Microsoft Learn).

Currently the NETMF 4.2 is only supporting 4-wire resistive touch panels. According to the source code of NETMF, generic stubs to implement custom touch panel drivers are available (see:

Is it possible to write my own driver for the FEZ Cobra to support the SPI controlled multi-touch panel in order to integrate seamlessly into the Microsoft.SPOT.Touch namespace?

I dont want to write additional event handlers, instead using the default event handlers. Therefore, when only one touch event is registered at the multi-touch panel it should behave like a conventional touch panel.

In the manual of the EMX module following is stated:

How can such a custom driver be implemented for the FEZ Cobra? Please could you provide me with more information on that.

Best regards,

Use Glide and see the example to feed in touch input

Welcome to the community.


Thank you very much for warm welcome, the quick response and your answer.

Is it also possible to do it without Glide?

Thanks in advance!

Yes but why? :slight_smile:

Don’t get me wrong, Glide is a wonderful thing, but we want to implement our own kind of graphical user interface using pure NETMF presentation elements. It’s a research project and we don’t want to rely on additional dependencies.
