I’m moving from a Panda II to Cerbuino Bee. I used the GHIElectronics.Hardware.LowLevel library for the Power.Hibernate function. I can’t seem to find this in the 4.2 or GHI.OSHW libraries. The datasheet for the Bee says it can hibernate, but I’m not sure how to get it done with the current libraries???
This is one of the features that was left out in the hope that the community will contribute and implement this. I would check other STM32 based ports and see if it is already there.
You maybe able to do it using register access.
I can’t find where is it listed.
Oh, he said in the datasheet, not in the catalog. My fault.
As Gus said, it may be possible to implement with the Register class, or it might not.
Thanks everyone. I guess I need to do a little research. This feature saved my last project on my Panda. I may end up staying with Panda a little while longer.
I did see that there are several low power functions directly in NETMF 4.2, but they all say they are dependant on the implementation of the MCU. Are any of these available to us with the Cerbuino? If so, is there any documentation telling us what the different functions will do for us? (although, I really think I need a full hibernate that wakes only for interrupts…)
Most likely not available.