Cap Touch keypad Lovelyness

Just got back from a trip away to find my Captouch and Mini Proto from GMod on my desk.
Installed the driver and deployed a quick sample to my cerb and it works beautifully. The fact that you can cover the keypad with paper or acrylic etc and it still works is great. All in all a really niceley made module and very very useful. Great Job Errol.

So far no issues with the driver but I will keep you posted as requested. I will also try this out with my spider and Argon boards but i have to get on with some real work now :frowning: (if only i could play all day)

Glad you like it. :slight_smile:

Just note that if you change the captouch’s environment, like placing acrylic on it, then you must recallibrate the captouch, either by calling the method or by resetting the power.

Else there can be “stuck” keys…

I love it :slight_smile: thanks for the heads up on re calibrating. I have no idea how capacitive touch works other than with the aid of Harry Potter but there are so many applications i can think of. I guess i better head over to wikipieda and start reading.

cant wait to see what else you cook up :slight_smile: