Can't force restart EMX with 4.3.6v [solved]

I have recently updated my EMX from 4.1 to the latest 4.3.6 version
when my program initializes I enable the watchdog for 5 min.
but I have cases when I need to restart the HW on request, so with 4.1v
I enabled the watchdog again with "watchdog.enable(1000)"
but with 4.3 I get an exception (System.NotSupportedException - CLR_E_NOT_SUPPORTED)
and it says because the watchdog is already enabled, so I tried to disable it first but i get the same exception on disabling.

so how can I restart my EMX without waiting for the watchdog to kick in?

Thanks :slight_smile:

@ kokoreko - You can call Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PowerState.RebootDevice inside Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll.