Brand new Raptor dead !?

I just wanted to connect my Raptor to my PC for the 1st time.
To do so I connected a USB Client DP to Socket Z (5) and 9V DC and then to USB.
I did not hear the device connected sound and no new device shows up in Device manager.
My Cobra II works fine with this power supply and USB cable.
I also tied a USB Client SP, but nothing happens.
Is there anything special about Raptor, or is it dead.
The power LED on raptor lights up, but that’s all! :frowning:

Edit: Now I added a display, at 1st the screen is all white, then I saw a lot of vertical lines (different colors).
On 2nd try with display it stays all white all the time.
When I push reset nothing happens to the display.

Edit 2: It’s an Rev 1.0
Is this the latest version, or did a get some old ‘crap’ from the European distributor?

Socket 5 (Z) does not have a USB Interface. You can power the board through Socket 5 (Z), but you will need to connect it Socket 8 for your PC to recognize the Raptor.

And yer, REv 1 is the latest.

Thank you, now it’s recognized.

1st: Why does the Screenshot of the R1 Kit show that DP is connected to Z (5)
2nd: What is Z for? It says “check user guide” but I can only find the developers guide which does not tell me anything about it!

I just saw that updating Tiny Booter of G400 is not supported by FEZConfig !!!
Do I really go the hard way with 3rd party tools!? :wall:


That’s G400 — surprises await you :wink:

Looks like the board was setup for photography, not instructional.

The first rule of Gadgeteering is connect modules to board sockets with matching letters.

The LCD is not not initialized by default. To initialize it, start a Gadgeteer project in VS, and drop you display on to the designer and right click on the designer and select the option to setup the wiring. Connect you display according to the designed. Then deploy the program. The next time the board is reset, the LCD will be showing what is expected.

I followed the instruction.
but when I start the ProgramG400.bat from console in admin mode I get the error you can see in picture.

The log that pops up in editor is

-I- Waiting ...
-I- TCL platform : Windows NT
-I- SAM-BA 2.12  on : windows
current connection is \USBserial\COM3, \\USBserial\\COM3 to be matched 
-I- Retrieved arguments from command line :
-I- argv 0 : \USBserial\COM3
-I- argv 1 : at91sam9g15-ek
-I- argv 2 : G400TinyBooter.tcl

Comport is COM 3

in console I type
"ProgramG400 COM3"

I’m on WIn8.1 x64. USB is a USB 2.0 port.
Board is powered by USB Client DP wit power supply

For me that happens when FezConfig is open. 100% correlation.

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Closing FEZConfig and reboot the Raptor worked.
Thank you a lot.

Raptor + CP7 works good now.
Have Clix2 running on it :smiley: