BrainPad Grant for STEM Education

I would like to offer up to ten BrainPad devices to one or more qualified organizations, plus an additional equivalent value in hardware or teaching materials using Microsoft Matching-Gift Money. I will make this grant to one or more organizations that are :

a) a US 501©3 organization qualifying for Microsoft Matching funds (most non-profits and schools qualify)
b) agree to use the BrainPad devices and other grant materials to offer a meaningful menu of courses, seminars, or other educational experiences in programming or the sciences over the next year. The key criteria is that enough students get real value out of the granted hardware. Recipient(s) will be chosen on the basis of educational impact.
c) agree that enrollment must be focused on attracting female participants or consist of at least a 50% female attendance

I have three daughters and a strong commitment to increasing the opportunities for girls and young women to choose technical and scientific career paths. If you know of an organization that qualifies and would like to nominate that organization’s educational program, please contact me via DM. I will ask for a very brief (couple of paragraphs) statement from the organization as to how they will use the hardware. I will collect nominations throughout September and make a selection, and award the first grant at the start of October.

If you would like to contribute to buy more devices, please also contact me - especially Microsoft people and others with access to matching funds. I can help you select an organization from among the applicants and will coordinate a direct donation. Due to taxation and matching-funds rules, I cannot handle donation money on your behalf, though.


I would like my 10 BrainPads please. :whistle:

@ Gary - You may be a charity case, but that’s not what I had in mind.

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I’ve been called worse, lol.

@ mcalsyn - This is awesome. Thanks.

My 9 year old son attends a New Zealand “alternative” school called Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery

They have us parents do misc workshops. We have had several people come in and do robotics workshops, and scratch programming workshops. The robotics stuff has all been lego mindstorm. A brainpad workshop would be ideal for these brilliant kids.

I’d love to do a brainpad workshop, but alas, we arent a “US 501(c)3 organization”

I could even guarantee 50% female attendance. Once my son joins a workshop, all the girls want to be with him in the same workshop :smiley: ;D :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :dance: