Beat's .NET Quadrocopter

Sorry, I was actually referring to the remote control that he holds in his hands that looks like a standard R/C controller but I presume is a BT remote.

@ ianlee74 - Ah, ok. Itā€™s a USB remote control as normally used with flight simulators only. It is connected to a PC that has Bluetooth, and runs a program that relays the commands.

Well, I was wrong. No source code after the summer breakā€¦

No, the code is already here, right now :slight_smile:

Big thanks and kudos to Beat!


EDIT Warning, this is code using the [em]original [/em]NETMF 4.2 PWM API. It would also compile under later releases, but would then take the wrong overload of the PWM constructor!

// Copyright 2013 Beat Heeb
// licensed under the Creative Commons
// Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA license:

using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;

class Quadro {

    const int sampleFreq = 200; // sample frequency [Hz]

    // Bluetooth Serial Connection
    static SerialPort serial = new SerialPort(Serial.COM3, 115200);
    // SPP_SEND_DATA packet
    static byte[] txBuf = { 0x02, 0x52, 0x0F, 25+3, 0, 0x7D, 1, 25, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x03 };

    // reference values from Bluetooth remote control
    static int refPower, refRoll, refPitch, refYaw;
    // actual battery voltage
    static int battery = 3600 << batteryLog; // [mv >> batteryLog]
    // quality control
    static int errCount, ctrlCount;

    // Analog Input Channel (Battery Voltage)
    static AnalogInput ad = new AnalogInput(Cpu.AnalogChannel.ANALOG_0); // PC0

    // Motor Outputs
    static PWM motorF = new PWM(Cpu.PWMChannel.PWM_2, 1024, 0, false); // PC8
    static PWM motorR = new PWM(Cpu.PWMChannel.PWM_3, 1024, 0, false); // PC9
    static PWM motorB = new PWM(Cpu.PWMChannel.PWM_0, 1024, 0, false); // PC6
    static PWM motorL = new PWM(Cpu.PWMChannel.PWM_1, 1024, 0, false); // PC7

    // GPIO
    static OutputPort led1 = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)18, false); // PB2
    static OutputPort rts  = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)30, true);  // PB14
    static InputPort  cts  = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)29, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled); // PB13
    static InputPort  intG = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)21, false, Port.ResistorMode.PullDown); // PB5

    // Acceleration Sensor
    static I2CDevice.Configuration adxl345config = new I2CDevice.Configuration(0x53, 400);
    static I2CDevice i2c = new I2CDevice(adxl345config);
    // BW_RATE: 100Hz, POWER_CTL: Measure
    static I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction adxl345w1 = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 44, 0x0A, 0x08 });
    // DATA_FORMAT: +/-4g, right-justified
    static I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction adxl345w2 = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 49, 0x01 });
    static I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction adxl345w3 = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 50 });
    static byte[] adxl345b2 = new byte[6];
    static I2CDevice.I2CReadTransaction adxl345r1 = I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(adxl345b2);
    static I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] adxl345t1 = { adxl345w1, adxl345w2 };
    static I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] adxl345t2 = { adxl345w3, adxl345r1 };

    const double accSens = 128.0;    // accelerometer sensitivity [units/g]

    static void InitAdxl345() {
        i2c.Config = adxl345config;
        int n = i2c.Execute(adxl345t1, 100);

    static void ReadAdxl345(out int x, out int y, out int z) {
        i2c.Config = adxl345config;
        int n = i2c.Execute(adxl345t2, 100);
        y = (adxl345b2[0] + ((sbyte)adxl345b2[1] << 8));
        x = (adxl345b2[2] + ((sbyte)adxl345b2[3] << 8));
        z = -(adxl345b2[4] + ((sbyte)adxl345b2[5] << 8));

    // Giro
    static I2CDevice.Configuration itg3200config = new I2CDevice.Configuration(0x68, 400);
    // SMPLRT_DIV: 8kHz / n, DLPF_FS: 256Hz, INT_CFG: latched, any reg, data ready
    static I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction itg3200w1 = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 21, 8000 / sampleFreq - 1, 0x18, 0x31 });
    // CLK_SEL: gyro_z
    static I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction itg3200w2 = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 62, 0x03 });
    static I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction itg3200w3 = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 29 });
    static byte[] itg3200b2 = new byte[6];
    static I2CDevice.I2CReadTransaction itg3200r1 = I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(itg3200b2);
    static I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] itg3200t1 = { itg3200w1, itg3200w2 };
    static I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] itg3200t2 = { itg3200w3, itg3200r1 };

    const double gyroSens = 823.6;  // gyro sensitivity [units/(rad/s)]

    static void InitItg3200() {
        i2c.Config = itg3200config;
        int n = i2c.Execute(itg3200t1, 100);

    static void ReadItg3200(out int x, out int y, out int z) {
        i2c.Config = itg3200config;
        int n = i2c.Execute(itg3200t2, 100);
        y = (((sbyte)itg3200b2[0] << 8) + itg3200b2[1]);
        x = (((sbyte)itg3200b2[2] << 8) + itg3200b2[3]);
        z = -(((sbyte)itg3200b2[4] << 8) + itg3200b2[5]);

    const int fraction = 24;    // fixpoint position (number of fraction bits)
    const int one = 1 << fraction; // one in fixpoint representation

    const int gyroScale = (int)(one / gyroSens / sampleFreq + 0.5);
    const int accScale = (int)(one / accSens + 0.5);
    const int calibTime = 5; // calibration time [s]
    const int calibSamples = calibTime * sampleFreq; // number of samples averaged for calibration

    const int coeffLog = 10;  // -log of Kalman gain
    const int batteryLog = 6; // -log of battery filter coefficient

    const int coeffP = 250; // [mV*s/rad] pitch/roll controller coefficient
    const int coeffY = 180; // [mV*s/rad] yaw controller coefficient
    const int coeffC = 3;   // [1/s] pitch/roll outer controller coefficient
    const int coeffTP = 3;  // [s] pitch/roll integration time constant
    const int coeffTY = 2;  // [s] yaw integration time constant

    const int prScale = one / 2 / 128; // [rad/unit] pitch/roll reference scale (30Ā° full scale)
    const int yScale = one * 3 / 128 / sampleFreq; // [rad/timestep/unit] yaw reference scale (180Ā°/s full scale)
    const int tScale = 4096 / 256;  // [mv/unit] power (thrust) reference scale (full range)

    static int Mul(int x, int y) { // fixpoint multiplication
        return (int)((long)x * y >> fraction);

    static void Main() {
        new Thread(new ThreadStart(BTWork)).Start(); // start Bluetooth thread

        // initialize sensors and drivers

        // calibrate sensors
        int ax, ay, az; // acc sensor values [g] (after scaling)
        int gx, gy, gz; // giro values [rad/timestep] (after scaling)
        int axs = 0, ays = 0, azs = 0, gxs = 0, gys = 0, gzs = 0; // calibration sums
        led1.Write(true); // signal calibration
        for (int i = 0; i < calibSamples; i++) {
            // wait for sensors ready
            while (!intG.Read()) ;
            // read sensors
            ReadItg3200(out gx, out gy, out gz);
            ReadAdxl345(out ax, out ay, out az);
            // add up to average
            gxs += gx;
            gys += gy;
            gzs += gz;
            axs += ax;
            ays += ay;
            azs += az;
        gxs = gxs * gyroScale / calibSamples;
        gys = gys * gyroScale / calibSamples;
        gzs = gzs * gyroScale / calibSamples;
        axs = axs * (accScale >> 4) / (calibSamples >> 4); // avoid overflow
        ays = ays * (accScale >> 4) / (calibSamples >> 4);
        azs = azs * (accScale >> 4) / (calibSamples >> 4);

        // control loop
        int dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = one; // down vector (|d| ~= one)
        int sumR = 0, sumP = 0, sumY = 0; // integrators
        int n = 0;
        while (true) {
            // wait for sensors ready
            while (!intG.Read()) ;
            // read and scale sensors                       (1.20ms)
            ReadItg3200(out gx, out gy, out gz);
            ReadAdxl345(out ax, out ay, out az);
            gx = (gx * gyroScale) - gxs;
            gy = (gy * gyroScale) - gys;
            gz = (gz * gyroScale) - gzs;
            ax = (ax * accScale) - axs;
            ay = (ay * accScale) - ays;
            az = (az * accScale); // no known offset
            // track attitude                               (0.28ms)
            int dx0 = dx, dy0 = dy;
            dx = dx + Mul(gz, dy) - Mul(gy, dz); // d + d x g (cross product)
            dy = dy + Mul(gx, dz) - Mul(gz, dx0);
            dz = dz + Mul(gy, dx0) - Mul(gx, dy0);
            // sensor fusion (simple Kalman filter)         (0.04ms)
            dx -= (dx + ax) >> coeffLog; // gravitation = -acceleration
            dy -= (dy + ay) >> coeffLog;
            dz -= (dz + az) >> coeffLog;

            // attitude control           
            int aPitch, aRoll, aYaw; // [mv] controller outputs
            int aPower = refPower * tScale;
            if (refPower > 10) {
                // outer (slow) controller                  (0.11ms)
                int errP = refPitch * prScale - dx;    // pitch error [rad]
                int errR = refRoll * prScale - dy;     //  roll error [rad]
                int errY = refYaw * yScale - gz;       //   yaw error [rad/timestep]
                sumP += errP / (sampleFreq * coeffTP); // pitch integral [rad]
                sumR += errR / (sampleFreq * coeffTP); //  roll integral [rad]
                sumY += errY / coeffTY;                //   yaw integral [rad/s]
                int refP = (errP + sumP) * coeffC;     // pitch ref [rad/s]
                int refR = (errR + sumR) * coeffC;     //  roll ref [rad/s]
                // inner (fast) controller                  (0.15ms)
                aPitch = Mul(refP + gy * sampleFreq, coeffP); // [mv]
                aRoll = Mul(refR - gx * sampleFreq, coeffP);  // [mv]
                aYaw = Mul(sumY + errY * sampleFreq, coeffY); // [mv]
            } else {
                aPitch = aRoll = aYaw = 0;
                sumR = sumP = sumY = 0;

            // motor control                                (0.33ms)
            int front = aPower - aPitch + aYaw; // mixer
            int right = aPower - aRoll - aYaw;
            int back = aPower + aPitch + aYaw;
            int left = aPower + aRoll - aYaw;
            if (front < 0) front = 0; else if (front > 4096) front = 4096; // saturation
            if (right < 0) right = 0; else if (right > 4096) right = 4096;
            if (back < 0) back = 0; else if (back > 4096) back = 4096;
            if (left < 0) left = 0; else if (left > 4096) left = 4096;
            motorF.Duration = (uint)front >> 2; // PWM outputs
            motorR.Duration = (uint)right >> 2; // range: 0-1024 = ~0-4V
            motorB.Duration = (uint)back >> 2;
            motorL.Duration = (uint)left >> 2;

            if ((n & 1) == 0) {
                // A/D (battery voltage)                        (0.10ms)
                int res = ad.ReadRaw(); // read battery voltage (u/2 / 3V * 2^12)
                res = res + (res >> 1); // convert to mv
                battery = battery - (battery >> batteryLog) + res; // low pass filter

                // LED blink                                (0.05ms)
                if (n == sampleFreq / 4 - sampleFreq / 20 && battery < 3300 << batteryLog) {
                    led1.Write(true); // low battery
                if (n == sampleFreq / 4) {
                if (n == sampleFreq / 2) {
                    if (ctrlCount < 2) { // missing control data
                        refPower = refPower >= 10 ? refPower - 10 : 0; // reduce power
                        refRoll = refPitch = refYaw = 0;
                    ctrlCount = 0;
                if (n == sampleFreq - sampleFreq / 20) {
                if (n == sampleFreq) {
                    n = 0;
            } else {
                // monitor                                  (0.60ms)
                txBuf[9] = (byte)((battery * 100 >> (batteryLog + 10)) - 300); // [V/100], 3V offset
                txBuf[10] = (byte)errCount;
                txBuf[11] = (byte)gx;
                txBuf[12] = (byte)(gx >> 8);
                txBuf[13] = (byte)(gx >> 16);
                txBuf[14] = (byte)gy;
                txBuf[15] = (byte)(gy >> 8);
                txBuf[16] = (byte)(gy >> 16);
                txBuf[17] = (byte)gz;
                txBuf[18] = (byte)(gz >> 8);
                txBuf[19] = (byte)(gz >> 16);
                txBuf[20] = (byte)(ax >> 10);
                txBuf[21] = (byte)(ax >> 18);
                txBuf[22] = (byte)(ay >> 10);
                txBuf[23] = (byte)(ay >> 18);
                txBuf[24] = (byte)(az >> 10);
                txBuf[25] = (byte)(az >> 18);
                txBuf[26] = (byte)front;
                txBuf[27] = (byte)(front >> 8);
                txBuf[28] = (byte)right;
                txBuf[29] = (byte)(right >> 8);
                txBuf[30] = (byte)back;
                txBuf[31] = (byte)(back >> 8);
                txBuf[32] = (byte)left;
                txBuf[33] = (byte)(left >> 8);
                serial.Write(txBuf, 0, -1);

            if (intG.Read()) errCount++; // deadline missed

    // ********** Bluetooth Thread **********

    // incoming data packets
    // 02 69 10 0900 82 01 0600 557169787BCD 03

    static void BTWork() {
        byte[] buf = new byte[256];
        rts.Write(false); // activate rts to wake up module
        while (true) {
            do {
                serial.Read(buf, 0, 1); // search for start byte
            } while (buf[0] != 0x02);
            serial.Read(buf, 1, 5); // read header
            serial.Read(buf, 6, buf[3] + 7); // read rest of data
            if (buf[1] == 0x69 && buf[2] == 0x10) { // incoming data packet
                if (buf[9] == 0x55) { // remote control values
                    refPower = buf[10];
                    refRoll  = buf[11] - 128;
                    refPitch = buf[12] - 128;
                    refYaw   = buf[13] - 128;


@ Cuno - Awesome! Thanks. The wife & kids are going out of town for the weekend. Iā€™m going to revive my quadcopter project! :slight_smile:

Indeed! This is great! Thanks to both of you! I would put it on codeshare though. Here it can get lost easily. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing!

@ Cuno Thanks for sharing! I have one question, does this code work with NETMF, or does it need your implementation of NETMF? as described in the first post

@ Davef - I donĀ“t think I understand your question. Our [em]NETMF for STM32 [/em]is simply a port of MicrosoftĀ“s .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) for specific hardware. Thus it [em]is [/em]NETMF (as we implemented it for ARMĀ“s Cortex-M core in general, and STM32 microcontrollers in particular). We have strictly avoided non-standard features (no own APIs, except for the necessarily hardware-specific hardware provider for the Mountaineer mainboards). So it should run on any good NETMF implementation.

I donĀ“t know whether all NETMF ports for Cortex-M microcontrollers are derivatives of [em]NETMF for STM32[/em]. I guess that at least the tricky Cortex-M core initializations are used in all Cortex-M ports today. At least the firmware of FEZ Cerberus, Netduino Go and similar STM32-based boards definitely are derivatives of our code. If the device drivers have not been modified, these ports should thus behave in a very similar way.

Or maybe you meant the remark regarding NETMF 4.2 versus later Releases (i.e., 4.2 QFE1, 4.2 QFE2, and 4.3)? Release 4.2 introduced a PWM API. This is what Beat used for his quadrocopter. In 4.2 QFE1, this API was modified in a somewhat unfortunate way, thus the warning.

@ Cuno - Sorry, confusing people appears to be my M.Oā€¦ My comments were based solely on your first post where you talk about changing interrupt priorities, putting GC in itā€™s (in my opinion) rightful place, with a low priority! Itā€™s clear now, that what is being used is standard. Thanks for the reply.

P.S. If it had been non-standard NETMF i would have definitely wanted a copy!

Hi Cuno:
How do you know the exact time interval?
for example in your code,

// read and scale sensors                       (1.20ms) 

@ Tzu, because I bet one device sets the pin it reads at that frequency.

But he know the timing of every task?

// track attitude (0.28ms)
// sensor fusion (simple Kalman filter) (0.04ms)
// outer (slow) controller (0.11ms)

@ Tzu Hsuan - well the Swiss are known for everything running like clockwork :whistle:

@ Justin - Haha

Ha ha, I donā€™t understand Justinā€™s Joke.
Do you answer my question?

Iā€™m suprised by the announced 200Hz cycle frquency.
The NETMF scheduler have a 20ms time slice. Each of the 2 threads is then running for 20ms alternatively.
This can be tweaked by threads priority but this not reduce the time slice, a thread can consume 2 or more slices at its turn. A thread can also call Thread.Sleep(0) to switch to next thread before the scheduler normal switch. I canā€™t find this in the code.
It seems that 200Hz is achieved only half the time.

Did I miss something?

Here itā€™s busy waiting, not thread scheduling.

I was talking about the bluetooth thread.
Finally, I think the key is that SerialPort.Read() does not keep its thread running. It is not polling but interrupt driven.


Nice work, really. The source code looks a little bit difficult to understand because Iā€™m not familiar with hardware.

What about the components? You bought a few things, no?

Iā€™m thinking to build a quadrocopter using NETMF with Netduino Plus 2. is it a good idea to use this one? (STMicro STM32F4 164 Mhz (Cortex-M4))

And about the price? Itā€™s for a school project with 4 other students.

Thank you :wink: