Section 2.1 of RFC 3927 requires that the address be generated from a pseudo-random number generator initialized with a MAC address.

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Are you concerned because it ends with 1.0? And you want to see a random number?

Yes. And before assigning an address, you need to make sure that no one is using it

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you keep saying 168.254… you know that’s not in the APIPA range, right ? And you know that it should have no influence on the APIPA request from another device.

as far i know

Automatic Private IP Address (APIPA). APIPA IP address is from to (i belive address !!! is typo error)

did you catch sometime when you have notice there’s no connection on Desktop PC because it have wrong address assigned you maybe you have seen those ip address assigned by itselfs.

thanks - I fixed the mistakes

I launched a device that is connected to a LAN with a DHCP server. The device received an address from the server. Then I disconnected and reconnected the cable and the device no longer receives the address from the server, but assigns itself the address 169.254.x.x. In my opinion this is a mistake - the device should have received the address from the server again!

Weird. It should receive that address from server again. we seen this behavior many time. And for sure, just did a quick test on the version we have, it works fine, no need to reset the stack.

Disconnected. Wait for connecting.... 20
Disconnected. Wait for connecting.... 30
Mac: 70:b3:d5:fa:c0:0f
ip address :
subnetmask :
gate way :
dns[0] :
dns[1] :
Phy staus True
Connected.... 40
Connected.... 50
Connected.... 60
Connected.... 70
Mac: 70:b3:d5:fa:c0:0f
ip address :
subnetmask :
gate way :
dns[0] :
dns[1] :
Phy staus False
Disconnected. Wait for connecting.... 80
Disconnected. Wait for connecting.... 90
Disconnected. Wait for connecting.... 100
Mac: 70:b3:d5:fa:c0:0f
ip address :
subnetmask :
gate way :
dns[0] :
dns[1] :
Phy staus True
Connected.... 110
Connected.... 120
Connected.... 130

If you’re going to troubleshoot this further in your network, you’re going to need to check if there’s a DHCP packet placed on the network. That means, most likely, a hub or switch with port forwarding capability so you can run wireshark to capture it.

Today I could not repeat the problem of getting the wrong address from DHCP

I got this error again. I launched a device that is connected to a LAN with a DHCP server. The device received an address from the server. I NOT disconnected the cable but the device received events NetworkAddressChanged and NetworkLinkConnectedChanged

Cable is disconnected for EthENC28
Cable is connected for EthENC28
IP: 169.254.x.x

Then I disconnected and reconnected the cable and the device no longer receives the address from the server, but assigns itself the address 169.254.x.x.
After restarting the device, this error could not repeated.

That is going to be hard to reproduce. Please try to determine the necessary steps to show the issue.

I completely agree. but I will try.

We will also keep trying on our end.