Any linux programmers here?

@ mcalsyn - Thanks for your example project!

Iā€™m trying to make more changes.

One thing I am trying to do now is to pass a parameter in the callback. (The example callback you provided is to a function that takes no parameters.)

What is the syntax to adapt the example to pass a value back in the callback function?

For instance if HandleCallback were to take a char as a parameter:

void HandleCallback(char x)

How would you change the syntax in worker::Start?

void Worker::Start(int interval, std::function<void(void)> func)

and the std::Bind call in the client?

_worker->Start(2000, std::bind(&CSomeClient::HandleCallback, this));

so that when I call the callback I can pass a value:


I tried various things. but nothing seems to compile.

I suspect you got most of it right, but there is a tricky bit to adding args to the bind call - you have to provide an argument value or a placeholder. You should provide an lvalue if that value will be constant across all calls or an std::placeholder if that argument will be bound at each call. Here are the changed lines. presuming that the returned value will change with each callback. I just used ā€˜Xā€™ :

In worker.h:


```cpp]void Start(int interval, std::function<void(char)> func);[/code

in worker.cpp the call to func:




The prototype for the handler in the main app (LinuxApp.cpp in my example):

```cpp]void HandleCallback()[/code


```cpp]void HandleCallback(char ch)[/code

and the tricky bit, again in the main app (LinuxApp.cpp in my example):

```cpp]worker->Start(2000, std::bind(&CSomeClient::HandleCallback, this));[/code


```cpp]worker->Start(2000, std::bind(&CSomeClient::HandleCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1));[/code
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Ah, thanks!

I will try this when I get home :slight_smile:

I had found std::placeholders in my searching last night, but none of my attempts to use them worked.

(fingers crossed)