NETMF does not support generics, therefore no Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue). Similarly LINQ relies on generics though I guess some approximation of it without generics could be implemented.
You could use the HashTable to store your key/value pairs. Do you require persistence or do the values only need to be in memory?
Though I would wage a guess that was done before NETMF had it’s own Hashtable implementation? It would seen better to leverage tested code ESP. Since that particular implementation is using sequential scans to perform the key lookups.
Import System.Collections
Dim ht as New Hashtable()
' Add Items to the Hashtable
ht.Add("key1", "Value 1")
ht.Add("key2", "Value 2")
ht.Add("key3", "Value 3")
ht.Add("key4", "Value 4")
' Get an item from the Hashtable
Dim item as String = CType(ht("key1"), String)
' Check if item exists
If ht.Contains("key1") Then ...