After CAN TX in RLP

If I send a CAN message from RLP I get it back in my managed DataReceived CAN event…

I don’t have any other node connected on the bus.

Why is this happening?

Does GHI CAN driver listen on all interrupts from CAN module and doesn’t compare if it has sent an message or not??

Not sure why, it shouldn’t

Is it perhaps doing this because of a bus error?

Can you check the error status in the event?

Could it be an echo? May be check the can termination

maybe you “can” work around this by setting a filter on the native can handling?
what’s the exact problem receiving these message back in the native events?

I ended up with setting filters.

The problem is that it shouldn’t happen :wink: not in CAN.

I have ISO15765 driver and the fault highlightet some weak spots in my code which is also fixed :slight_smile:

@ Honken - off-topic but since you also are active in can: did you ever get a G120 working with 1Mb CAN speed? Your answer in :
worked for the lower bit rates but not at 1Mb. I never got this working in test setup but today we tested the first proto pcb’s and it’s not working with a brp 2 (with should be 2.5).
We are looking into poking registers tomorrow, maybe bring G120 the speed back to 100Mhz to get a closer match but I get a strange feeling on this… in the new documentation page from GHI the 1000Kb line is removed for the G120…

I’m not sure if this is a sign on the wall, i asked this question before but never had a strait answer from GHI on that topic.
If you think you have answers for me please contact me at dv at emrol dot com, cost can be discussed since i’m on realy short deadlines…