Adding images on Windows Phone 8

Is not working for me on Nokia 920. I wonder if other WP8 has same issue?

I confirmed it doesn’t work on mine either. Have you tried through the emulator in VS2012? My PC here won’t run the emulator… I’ll try on my wife’s 820 in a bit but I suspect it’s a WP8 IE problem that effects all WP8 devices.

Same result on Lumia 820.

Unfortunate :frowning:

No go on HTC 8x…

Guys, I’m not following this. What images are you trying to add to your phone and where/how are you trying to add them?

@ Jason - I was meaning adding a upload to the forum using the phone…i assumed thats what the others where talking about, but maybe…

@ Justin - OK. Understood, let’s see what they come back with too. I thought it might be because they hadn’t been marked as Content and and were not being copied to the device when adding them to a VS2012 phone project.


@ Jason - Your probably right after reading it all again :smiley:

Uploading images to the posts on this forum from a WP8 doesn’t work. “Browse” button doesn’t do anything.

It does support JavaScript. It is just broken in this particular case on this particular site I suspect.

We just need a native app… Josh, when you giving us the API back?

Can’t do this with a jobsian cult phone either :frowning: but then im not surpised.
Edit: Isnt a mobile version of the forum on the long term suggestions list??